"Shout For Shout Sake"

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

So what have i been up to?

Last week i finally got my laptop from my scholarship. Its a Compaq Presario 2597US and so far i love it. It took me a few days to get it the way i wanted though. I also got a chance to finally try out knoppix linux and i really liked it. On the same day, i got my license in the mail. I was really suprised to get it so early and was happy to get it before i went to Irvine.

This week i've been impatiently waiting for my housing info from Irvine. I dont remember where exactly i applied to, but i'm really excited to find out where i end up. I'm hoping i'll get my housing info by tomorrow, but we'll see.

Well i guess thats pretty much it for now.


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