"Shout For Shout Sake"

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Today started off on a bad note when I found out Alethea's (Lluvia's wonderful and beautiful RA) car stereo and registration was stolen early this morning. I really felt bad about this (especially since this isn't the first something been stolen from her) so I did the best I could do to cheer her up. I'm kind of afraid of bringing a car now because of what happened, but we'll see.

Also today I took my midterm for my Writing class and all I'm really hoping for is a C. It's only worth 10% of our grade, so I really wasn't too worried about it. What I really need to do is get better grades on the essays we do. I decided to skip my Math class today because I had some stuff to do and I really didn't feel like going. I ended up getting a B on my Math midterm, which was what I was expecting neways. Other than that, my day has pretty much been filled hanging around the dorm and working on homework.

Oh yeah, I guess you're wondering who are the people in this pic:

I think I've finally figured out everyone's name so i'll try to name them.
Starting from the first row, left to right: Melissa, Steph, Michelle, Rochelle, Cristina, Megahnn, Krystal, Alethea, Cynthia, Michelle, Fendi, Lisa, Cori, Katie, Sara.
Second row, left to right: Maureen, Kristen, Rose, Diane, Jane, Megan, Sheila, Taylor, Yeeli, Whitney, Sonia, Kelly, Mary Alice.
Third row, left to right: Jonas, Niel, John, Nick, Brett, Kevin, Johnathan, Alex, Neerav, Victor, Eric, Jeff, Guarav, CJ.
Last row, left to right: Tiger, Steven, Ernesto, Greg, Me, Spencer, Jeff, Hemal, Billy, Gabriel, Jordan, Richard, Andrew, Paisol.
Not Pictured: Cristina, Becky, Shawdie, Yong, Andrew, Eric.

Hopefully that's all right. Lastly, if you're reading this right now, LEAVE ME A COMMENT! I'm just wondering who actually reads my blog. Guess that's it for now.


  • Holy crud, you don't know how helpful that pic and those names are...

    -Ernesto Lujan

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:15 AM  

  • On Wai reads your blog!

    ..and you should read mine too!! Haha XD


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:18 PM  

  • i read ur blog. blogger has gotten more spiffy since i used it. i used to have blogger but i moved to xanga last yr cuz more ppl have it. whatever.

    thanks for the compliment. :)

    - alethea

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:08 PM  

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