"Shout For Shout Sake"

Saturday, October 23, 2004

The weekend is totally going to SUCK! I have to study for my CSE and Math midterms, plus write a rough draft of an essay for my writing class. Today was a pretty typical day for me. I was a few minutes late for my writing class (which is becoming a bad habit for me the past few days) and left the class confused as usual. In my math lecture, I was pretty much dozing on and off which is also very typical of me. It didn't really matter too much, since I knew most of the stuff he was going over neway. After classes, I pretty much went to sleep for a while.

At about 10 a few us decided to go watch Team America: World Police, but the plans kind of fell through. So instead we decided to just take a walk over to the top of the mesa parking structure. I was expecting nobody to be there, but amazingly there was a band practing there. I don't remember the name of the band, but it was made up of 4 guys (all of which were third year UCI students) and it was there first time practicing there. They were pretty cool guys, but there music was different. But hey, if it makes them happy making it, than thats all that matters.


  • Good luck on your tests:-p


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:30 PM  

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