"Shout For Shout Sake"

Friday, November 19, 2004

I haven't written nething for a long time cause I've been pretty busy with school work. With only about two weeks plus finals left, I've been trying to catch up with all my classes. So far it's coming along kind of slow, but I'm going to try to pick it on the weekend. What's holding me back is kind of a mix of me being sick, frustrated/depressed, the overwhelming workload, and a bit of home sickness. But just being around the hall with the fellow Llluvians is really helping a lot.

Well today a fellow suite mate and friend victor hit his head on the glass door of the thing that holds our fire extinguisher and get a pretty bad cut on his head. It looks like he's going to be alright, but I was worried there for a while after seeing how much blood there was. Well, I guess it's back to homework.

Oh yeah, btw I decided to add a friend links section just for fun. If you want to be one of the "cool" people and be added just lmk. If you want to be removed, just lmk too.


  • Thanks for the linkage!
    If ever you want to chat about whatever, just IM me, I'd be glad to talk.
    Have a good one Albert.

    On Wai

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:31 PM  

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