Well, I'm still looking for a good digicam. I've been wanting one for a while, but never really got a chance to buy one. I was originally going to buy one during winter break, but I wasn't sure if I would get it before I left Delano, so decided to hold out for bit. I'm looking to spend about $250-$300 on just the camera + $50 on a memory card. Looking through all my choices, I've settled on one of these three:
5.0MP Casio EX-Z50

5.0MP Casio EX-Z50

All of them have pretty good reviews, but I'm kind of settled on either of the Casios. I think the Sony is just a bit too much over my price range. I'm gonna wait until I pay for everything I need for school before ordering one though, so it might be just a little while longer before I can add more pictures to my blog.
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