"Shout For Shout Sake"

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Yesterday I made it back to Irvine in one piece. The detour here took about 4 hours compared to the usual 3. Neways it was really good to see everybody again. After unpacking, I tried to goto sleep, but couldn't so I just went walking around the dorms to say hi to everyone.

At about 7, me and a few of the guys headed to claim jumpers since commons wasn't open. And I have to say it was pretty good. Afterwards we just hung around the dorm while yong was showing off his speakers (which I could hear in my room from the 3rd floor).

Today I haven't really done much since I don't have ne classes today. I did manage to order my digicam and memory card today. I ended up buying a Casio EX-Z50 w/ a 256mb Scandisk Ultra SD Card. I spent about a total of $310 for them; which was $10 more than my budget, but oh well, its just 10 bucks. Hopefully I'll get it by sometime next week.


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