"Shout For Shout Sake"

Monday, January 17, 2005

So what have I been up to? I've been kind of slacking on updating my blog (mainly because I either forget or become to lazy to) but I'll try to change that. So I guess I'll back track about a little over a week or so.

Well last weekend (Jan 7) was easily one of the best weekends I've ever had. On Friday night I ended up going to my roommate Neerav's party at his house in Irvine. It was only about 10 mins away and he throw it for his birthday. It was a typical college party I guess, even though I can't really compare it to anything since I'm not much of a partier. But what really made it cool was that about 15-20 people from my hall ended up going as well, so that's hall bonding for you. On Saturday I was ready to help out Neerav clean up his house, but he ended up not calling me, so I guess he had enough people to do it. That night I watched Dodgeball with a few friends from the hall. It wasn't my first time watching it, but for some reason, it was funnier this time around. Well that was a pretty fun night. Didn't really do much on Sunday except homework so there's that.

The first official week of school that started on Monday (Jan 10) was actually pretty good even though I had 8am classes Monday through Thursday. The only things I hated were my CSE Discussion & Lab and my Physics Lab. I knew we wouldn't do anything for my CSE Discussion & Lab, but I had to go anyway to stay in the class. Yeah it really sucks to wake up at 8 in the morning for a class you know you aren't even going to do anything in. My Physics Lab was really crazy. I had no clue what I was doing and most of the work I did I got help from the other members of my group. The main problem was that the Lab was mainly review from high school physics and I didn't have a book to use as a reference yet. Anyways I made it through it. My others classes were all pretty good. Not much homework yet, but I'm pretty sure that's going to change soon.

I guess that brings me to this weekend. I don't have class on Fridays, so I slept in and did nothing all day. Just like I like it. On Saturday I finally got my digital camera. I was expecting it on Thursday, but It was being shipped from New York, so I just let it didn't really bother me too much. I had a really good idea on how to use it since it's almost exactly like my RA's camera. I took a few pictures to test it out, but I'm such a perfectionists about pictures for some reason, so I didn't keep a lot of them. Anyways here are a few I kept:
My room (It's a little cleaner now since I through away a few of those boxes.)

The best band in the world

Me and the beautiful RA of Lluvia

That night a few of us ended up going to blockbuster to rent a few movies. We ended up watching Garden State that night. It was the third time I've seen it, and It just gets better every time. Since this kind of came up, I guess I'll answer it now. One reason I really like it was because I liked how the story was simple yet original in a sense. To put in Alex's terms it was an "honest" movie, and I'll have to agree with him on that. The main reason I just loved the movie was that I can honestly say I could relate to the characters. I can't really think of it at the top of my head, but there were certain characteristics of Large and Sam that I can really say I posses.

Today I woke up at 12:30 and went to lunch. I ended up eating with Manang and Christina so that was cool. When I got back I did some physics homework and tried to sleep for a while. Tonight I ended up watching Little Black Book w/ the hall. All I can say is that it's definitely a chick flick; that's the best description I can give. So I guess that's it. I know this is a long post, but hopefully I'll keep this updated more often so this would be the last one of those.


  • kudos to the boy w/ the messy room who can't fall asleep in lecture :]

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:10 AM  

  • haha i'm assuming thats u jane

    By Blogger Albert, at 10:18 PM  

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