"Shout For Shout Sake"

Friday, January 07, 2005

Today was my first day of class. Class actually started on wednesday, but since I only had discussions, they were cancelled.

I woke up at about 7am in the morning to get ready for my 8am Physics class. And man was it cold. My physics lecture was ok. The professor seems alright, and I know a few people in there already so that was good. Afterwards I was planning to goto the library and study until my next class, but decided not to. My next class was writing at 11am and so far, It seems I have a pretty good instructor. He went through the first assignment step-by-step so I pretty much have a good idea on what to do on it. After that I went to lunch and just went back to Lluvia to do some reading for my writing class.

Studio Art was my next class at 3:30pm. I've heard good things about the professor and class, and I think there all true. The class seems really interesting, and somewhat easy and the professor is really interested and enthused in the material. He just went over the syllabus and let us out of class about 30min early. Lastly, I had my CSE class at 5pm. It was pretty packed in there, but I did know a few people from the class, so that was a plus. Although I have the same professor from last quarter, I really think I'll do good in the class.


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