"Shout For Shout Sake"

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Well happy be-lated Valentine's day everyone. This one was reminded me of elementary school cause a few people in the hall ended up doing valentine cards for everyone. I ended up doing them as well, but knowing me, I had to make them "different" so ended up customizing them w/ photoshop. I ended up doing 12 special ones and some generic ones, but all in all, I enjoyed doing them.

At least midterms are pretty much over for me now. So what did I end up getting? I got a B in Studio Art, B/C in Physics, and an A in comp sci. The B in Studio Art is only because since everyone in the class got pretty bad grades, the professor decided to raise everyone's grade up one, so a C became a B. I got the average score in Physics, but he doesn't give letter grades, so i'm just assuming the grade I got. The A in comp sci was really suprising even though i've taken the class already. Well i'm really glad I don't have anymore midterms.

I haven't done anything for the past few days when it comes to school work. So maybe I should get started with that. Till next time.

Edit: just saw this and it's damn hilarious


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