"I didn't care that you left and abandoned me,
what hurts more is I would still die for you"
Armor For Sleep - Car Underwater
what hurts more is I would still die for you"
Armor For Sleep - Car Underwater

Probable Winter '06 Courses:
CSE 23: Fundamental Data Structures
CSE 25: Computing Tools for Computer Science & Engineering (Intro to C & Mathematica)
CSE 70A: Network Analysis I
CSE 90: Systems Engineering and Technical Communications
Math 6B: Discrete Mathematics: Boolean Algebra and Logic
CSE 23: Fundamental Data Structures
CSE 25: Computing Tools for Computer Science & Engineering (Intro to C & Mathematica)
CSE 70A: Network Analysis I
CSE 90: Systems Engineering and Technical Communications
Math 6B: Discrete Mathematics: Boolean Algebra and Logic
Is that picture from Post Secret? How come I've never seen it before?
- On Wai
Anonymous, at 7:15 PM
Yeah, I don't remember if I took that from the main postsecret site or on one of the links from the site. I started collecting the pics and a post my favorites on here every once in a while.
Albert, at 7:34 PM
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