"Though all the world may hate us, we are named,
though shadow overtake us, we are known."
Thrice - Image Of The Invisible
First of all, I'd just like to mention one of my favorite sites at the moment, postsecret. Basically, it's an on going project user made postcards that "reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before." I think it's really interesting, and maybe i'll send one in sometime. Neways, of the current postcards they still have on the site, here is one of my favorites (couldn't have said it better myself):

though shadow overtake us, we are known."
Thrice - Image Of The Invisible
First of all, I'd just like to mention one of my favorite sites at the moment, postsecret. Basically, it's an on going project user made postcards that "reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before." I think it's really interesting, and maybe i'll send one in sometime. Neways, of the current postcards they still have on the site, here is one of my favorites (couldn't have said it better myself):

I guess it's long overdue for me to post pics of my room, so I might as well do that now. I was expecting company, but they had to cancel (it's ok Jane) so it's probably the cleanest it's ever been.

Yeah, I still don't feel like blogging that much right now, but I just wanted to mention these things.
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