"Shout For Shout Sake"

Monday, February 28, 2005

Hey what's up? This weekend was ok I guess. On Friday night I just hung out with a few friends from the dorm. The only bad thing is, we decided to walk around campus at like 2 in the morning, and I think I might have gotten sick from that. I ended up having a fever that night, and I couldn't fall asleep till 9 in the morning. I was suppose to do a lot of work this weekend, but being sick really screwed it up. I ended up missing my class on Saturday because of this and pretty much I just forgot. It's Monday morning and right now, I'm feeling much better than on Friday night/Sunday morning. I should really get my act straight and taking my studies more seriously, but there's one major thing that's holding me back. Well that's something I'll mention some other time.


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